5 Innovative Strategies for Recruiting Trade Show Staff


Innovative strategies for recruiting trade show staff are crucial for ensuring your event runs smoothly and successfully.

But with so many businesses vying for the same pool of talented individuals, how can you stand out and attract the best candidates?

By leveraging creative and modern recruitment techniques, you can reach a wider audience, showcase your unique company culture, and ultimately build a top-performing trade show team.


Here’s What We Cover In This Article

  • Innovative Recruitment Strategies: Utilizing digital platforms, social media, virtual hiring events, and industry-specific job boards to attract top trade show staff.

  • Benefits of Creative Approaches: Accessing a wider talent pool, improving candidate quality, enhancing employer branding, and increasing cost and time efficiency.

  • Effective Techniques: Gamifying the application process, hosting virtual reality job fairs, implementing employee advocacy programs, collaborating with industry influencers, and offering unique perks and benefits.

What Are Innovative Strategies for Recruiting Trade Show Staff?

Innovative strategies for recruiting trade show staff involve going beyond traditional job postings and embracing creative, tech-savvy approaches to attract top talent. These strategies leverage the power of digital platforms, immersive experiences, and targeted outreach to connect with qualified candidates who may not be actively seeking new opportunities.

By implementing innovative recruitment techniques, you can tap into a broader pool of potential hires, showcase your company's unique value proposition, and ultimately build a trade show team that exceeds expectations.


Finding the perfect staff for your next trade show is hard. Let Good Kids do it for you.


Examples of Innovative Trade Show Recruitment Strategies

  • Leveraging social media platforms: Utilize the power of social media to reach a vast audience of potential candidates. Platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram allow you to showcase your company culture, share job openings, and engage with industry professionals. By creating compelling content and leveraging targeted advertising, you can attract top talent that aligns with your brand values and requirements.

  • Hosting virtual hiring events: In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, virtual events have become increasingly popular. Embrace this trend by hosting online job fairs, webinars, or Q&A sessions to connect with candidates from around the globe. These virtual events provide an accessible and cost-effective way to showcase your company, share insights about the role, and identify promising candidates.

  • Partnering with industry-specific job boards: While general job boards cast a wide net, partnering with niche platforms that cater specifically to event professionals can help you target the most relevant candidates. These industry-specific job boards, such as Event Marketer Jobs or Trade Show News Network, attract experienced individuals who are passionate about the trade show industry and possess the skills you require.


Benefits of Implementing Innovative Trade Show Recruitment Strategies

Implementing innovative strategies for recruiting trade show staff offers a range of benefits that can significantly impact the success of your event.

  • Access to a wider talent pool: Innovative recruitment methods allow you to reach candidates beyond geographical limitations. By leveraging digital platforms and virtual events, you can connect with skilled professionals from around the world, ensuring a diverse and talented pool of applicants.

  • Improved candidate quality: Targeted recruitment strategies help you attract top performers with specialized skills. Industry-specific job boards and social media campaigns enable you to reach candidates who are passionate about the trade show industry and possess the expertise needed to excel in their roles.

  • Enhanced employer branding: Innovative recruitment strategies provide an opportunity to showcase your company culture and values. By creating engaging content and immersive experiences, you can differentiate your brand from competitors and attract candidates who align with your mission and vision.

  • Cost and time efficiency: Streamlining the hiring process through innovative techniques can save you both time and money. Virtual events and automated screening tools reduce the need for in-person interviews and lengthy application reviews, allowing you to identify and onboard top talent more efficiently.


Types of Innovative Trade Show Recruitment Strategies

Social Media Recruiting

Social media platforms offer a powerful tool for connecting with potential trade show staff. LinkedIn, the world's largest professional networking site, allows you to search for candidates based on their skills, experience, and location. You can also join industry-specific groups to engage with professionals who are passionate about the trade show industry. Facebook and Instagram, on the other hand, provide opportunities to showcase your company culture and values through visual content, attracting candidates who align with your brand identity.

91% of employers are now using social media as part of their hiring process. This highlights the critical role social platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram play in engaging potential candidates and showcasing company culture.

Referral Programs

Implementing a referral program can be an effective way to tap into your current staff's network of talented individuals. Encourage your team members to refer qualified candidates by offering incentives such as bonuses or additional time off. This approach not only helps you identify top talent but also fosters a sense of ownership and engagement among your existing staff. Be sure to provide clear guidelines and communicate the qualities you are looking for in potential hires to ensure high-quality referrals.

Experiential Hiring Events

Hosting experiential hiring events is an innovative way to attract top talent while showcasing your company's unique approach to recruitment. These immersive experiences go beyond traditional job fairs, allowing candidates to engage with your brand on a deeper level. For example, you could create an interactive display that highlights your company's experiential events, giving potential hires a taste of the exciting projects they could be involved in. By creating a memorable and engaging hiring experience, you differentiate your company from competitors and leave a lasting impression on candidates.

77.2% of respondents cited ease of attendance as a primary reason for preferring virtual events, while 64.9% appreciated their global reach. This demonstrates the continued popularity and effectiveness of virtual hiring events in attracting a diverse pool of candidates.

Targeted Job Boards

While general job boards cast a wide net, utilizing niche platforms that cater specifically to event professionals can help you reach the most relevant candidates. Websites like Event Marketer Jobs and Trade Show News Network attract experienced individuals who are actively seeking opportunities in the trade show industry. These targeted job boards allow you to craft job postings that speak directly to the skills and qualifications you require, increasing the likelihood of attracting top talent. Additionally, these platforms often offer resources and insights specific to the trade show industry, helping you stay informed about the latest trends and best practices in recruitment.


How to Implement a Strategic Trade Show Recruitment Plan

To effectively implement a strategic trade show recruitment plan, start by defining your ideal candidate profile. Consider the specific skills, experience, and cultural fit required for the role. This helps you target the right individuals and ensures a cohesive team dynamic.

Next, develop a compelling job description that highlights the unique aspects of the role and your company. Emphasize the opportunities for growth, the exciting projects staff will be involved in, and the benefits of joining your team. A well-crafted job description attracts top talent and sets expectations for the position.

When choosing recruitment channels, select platforms that align with your target audience. Leverage industry-specific job boards, social media networks, and trade shows to reach qualified candidates. Tailor your approach to each platform, creating engaging content that showcases your company culture and the role's potential.

  • Conduct engaging interviews: When interviewing candidates, assess their skills and passion for the trade show industry. Use behavioral and situational questions to gauge their problem-solving abilities and adaptability. Look for individuals who demonstrate enthusiasm, creativity, and a willingness to learn.

  • Provide comprehensive training: Once you've selected your trade show staff, equip them with the tools and knowledge to succeed. Offer thorough training sessions that cover your company's products or services, the event's objectives, and effective communication strategies. Provide resources such as scripts, FAQs, and role-playing exercises to build confidence and ensure a consistent brand message.

  • Foster a positive team dynamic: Create opportunities for your trade show staff to bond and collaborate. Organize team-building activities, encourage open communication, and recognize individual and group achievements. A cohesive team that works well together enhances the overall event experience for attendees and reflects positively on your brand.

Throughout the recruitment process, prioritize clear communication and timely follow-up with candidates. Keep them informed about the status of their application and provide constructive feedback when necessary. Building a positive candidate experience, even for those not selected, can lead to future opportunities and referrals.


What Are the Most Effective Ways to Attract Top Trade Show Talent?

To attract the best trade show talent, you need to stand out from your competitors and offer a compelling employment package. Here are some of the most effective ways to draw in top performers:

  • Offer competitive compensation and benefits packages: Top talent knows their worth, and they expect to be compensated accordingly. Conduct market research to ensure your pay rates and benefits are in line with or exceed industry standards. Consider offering bonuses, commissions, or other incentives to sweeten the deal and show your appreciation for their hard work.

  • Showcase growth opportunities within the company: Ambitious professionals seek roles that offer room for advancement. Highlight the potential for career growth within your organization, such as opportunities to take on leadership roles, participate in training programs, or work on high-profile projects. Demonstrating a commitment to employee development can be a powerful attraction for top talent.

  • Highlight the unique aspects of your company culture: A strong, positive company culture can be a major draw for job seekers. Emphasize the elements that make your workplace special, such as a collaborative team environment, flexible work arrangements, or a focus on work-life balance. Share stories and testimonials from current employees to give candidates a genuine sense of what it's like to work for your company.

  • Provide a clear career progression path: Top performers want to know that they have a future with your company. Outline a clear career progression path that shows how they can advance within the organization over time. This could include moving up to senior roles, taking on additional responsibilities, or transitioning to other departments. Providing a roadmap for growth demonstrates your investment in their long-term success.

When crafting your recruitment strategy, consider leveraging the power of interactive retail installations to attract top talent. These engaging experiences not only showcase your brand's creativity but also provide a unique opportunity for candidates to interact with your company culture firsthand. By incorporating interactive elements into your recruitment process, you can leave a lasting impression on potential hires and differentiate yourself from competitors.

5 Innovative Strategies to Recruit the Best Trade Show Staff

Recruiting the best trade show staff requires thinking outside the box and embracing innovative strategies that capture the attention of top talent. Here are five creative approaches you can implement to build a high-performing team:

1. Gamify the Application Process

  • Create engaging challenges to assess skills: Incorporate interactive games and puzzles into your application process to evaluate candidates' problem-solving abilities, creativity, and adaptability. This approach not only makes the application experience more enjoyable for candidates but also provides you with valuable insights into their strengths and potential fit for your team.

89% of job seekers consider their mobile devices essential for job searching, with 45% using them daily to look for new opportunities. This underscores the importance of mobile-friendly recruitment processes in reaching active job seekers.
— Quote Source

2. Host Virtual Reality Job Fairs

  • Immerse candidates in your brand experience: Leverage virtual reality technology to host immersive job fairs that allow candidates to explore your company culture and interact with your team in a dynamic, engaging way. This innovative approach sets you apart from competitors and attracts tech-savvy individuals who appreciate forward-thinking companies.

3. Implement an Employee Advocacy Program

  • Encourage staff to share job openings on social media: Harness the power of your existing team by implementing an employee advocacy program that incentivizes them to share job openings and refer qualified candidates from their personal networks. This strategy expands your reach and taps into the trust and credibility that comes with personal recommendations.

4. Collaborate with Industry Influencers

  • Leverage their networks to attract top talent: Partner with respected influencers in the trade show industry to promote your job openings and showcase your company culture. Influencers have built loyal followings and can help you reach a wider audience of potential candidates who trust their opinions and recommendations.

5. Offer Unique Perks and Benefits

Provide flexible schedules and travel opportunities: Differentiate your company from competitors by offering unique perks and benefits that appeal to top talent. Consider providing flexible work schedules, opportunities for travel and event coverage, and other incentives that demonstrate your commitment to employee well-being and work-life balance.


Level Up Your Event With Good Kids

Level Up Your Event With Good Kids


Good Kids understands the challenges you face in finding the perfect trade show staff.

Our innovative strategies and creative solutions are designed to alleviate these pain points and help you attract the best talent.

Come Play with Us at Good Kids and connect with us to learn more about how we can transform your recruitment process.


Good Kids Event Staffing: Rapid Fire FAQs

  • Description Using a staffing agency ensures you have experienced and trained professionals who understand the nuances of trade show interactions. Agencies can provide specialized roles such as brand ambassadors, product demonstrators, and lead generation staff, tailored to your specific needs and goals.

  • Good Kids conducts a thorough vetting process, including background checks, interviews, and training sessions to ensure staff members have excellent communication and customer service skills. They also match staff profiles with the specific requirements of each client to ensure a perfect fit.

  • Yes, Good Kids can scale their services to meet the needs of any event size, from small local trade shows to large international exhibitions. They have a vast database of skilled professionals ready to be deployed as per the client's requirements.

  • It is recommended to book as early as possible to ensure availability and to allow sufficient time for the agency to match the best candidates to your specific needs. However, Good Kids can also accommodate last-minute requests depending on staff availability.

  • Good Kids can provide a variety of roles including product specialists, lead generation staff, brand ambassadors, trade show models, sales representatives, and more. Each role is filled by individuals who are specifically trained to meet the demands of trade show environments.

Sources Used for this Article:



Future Digital Marketing Trends: Toronto Insights


5 Tips for Hiring the Best Trade Show Staff