Good vs. Bad Product Photography


Product photography significantly influences customer decisions and drives sales. According to Justuno, 93% of consumers consider visual appearance the most important factor in purchasing decisions.

This article will help you understand what distinguishes high-quality product photos from poor ones, identify common mistakes to avoid, and show how Good Kids can help you achieve stunning visuals that enhance your brand’s success.


Key Article Takeaways:

  • Essential Elements of Product Photography: Learn what makes high-quality product photos stand out.

  • Common Mistakes to Avoid: Identify frequent errors and how to prevent them.

  • Good Kids' Expertise: See how our services can enhance your product photography and level up your brand.

Essential Elements of Product Photography

Effective product photography involves careful attention to composition, lighting, background, and post-processing to create images that accurately represent and enhance the appeal of your products

Composition and Framing

Good Product Photography:

  • Balanced Composition: Uses thoughtful composition and framing to highlight the product’s best features. The product is centered, with adequate space around it to avoid a cluttered look.

  • Optimal Angles: Angles are chosen to showcase the product's dimensions and details effectively.

Good Kids Tip: Use the rule of thirds to create a more dynamic and engaging composition. Position the product along the intersecting lines of a 3x3 grid to draw viewers' attention to the focal points and enhance visual interest.

Bad Product Photography:

  • Poor Framing: Lacks proper composition, resulting in poorly framed shots where the product is either too close to the edges or lost in the background.

  • Awkward Angles: Angles are awkward, making it difficult to appreciate the product's features.

Good Kids Tip: Avoid centering the product in every shot. Experiment with different angles and framing techniques to find the most flattering view and highlight the product's key features effectively.

At Good Kids, our Creative Services team excels at creating visually stunning compositions that draw attention to your products' most appealing features. For instance, our work with VON D Shoes showcases how effective composition can make footwear stand out.


Good Product Photography:

  • Professional Lighting Techniques: Uses professional lighting to eliminate shadows, highlight the product's texture, and create a clean, crisp image. Natural light or softbox lighting is often used to achieve even illumination.

  • Accurate Color Representation: Proper lighting ensures the product's true colors are visible and appealing.

Good Kids Tip: Use a light tent for smaller products. This tool diffuses light evenly around the product, reducing harsh shadows and providing a consistent, professional look.

Bad Product Photography:

  • Inadequate Lighting: Uses insufficient or harsh lighting, resulting in unflattering shadows, overexposed or underexposed areas, and an overall unprofessional look. Poor lighting can obscure details and distort the product’s true colors.

Good Kids Tip: Avoid mixing different light sources. Stick to one type of lighting (natural or artificial) to maintain consistency in color temperature and avoid confusing color casts.

Lighting is a critical element in our Automotive Advertising projects, where we ensure vehicles are presented in their best light to highlight their features and appeal to potential buyers.

Background and Setting

Good Product Photography:

  • Clean and Neutral Backgrounds: Features a clean, neutral background that does not distract from the product. The setting complements the product without overpowering it, using props minimally and strategically.

  • Consistency: Maintains a consistent background and setting across all product images to create a cohesive visual experience.

Good Kids Tip:Use a backdrop stand for seamless backgrounds. This ensures that the background is smooth and free from wrinkles or seams that could detract from the product's presentation.

Bad Product Photography:

  • Distracting Backgrounds: Uses busy or inappropriate backgrounds that distract from the product. The setting is often cluttered or irrelevant, making it difficult for the product to stand out.

  • Inconsistent Visuals: Inconsistency in backgrounds and settings can confuse customers and detract from the overall visual appeal.

Good Kids Tip: Regularly review background options to ensure they complement your product. Change backgrounds based on the product’s color, texture, and style to enhance its visual impact.

In our Production Partner services, we ensure that your product photography maintains a consistent and professional look across all images, enhancing the overall appeal of your brand.

Editing and Post-Processing

Good Product Photography:

  • Subtle Enhancements: Involves careful editing and post-processing to enhance the image without altering the product's true appearance. Adjustments to brightness, contrast, and color balance are made to achieve a polished final image.

  • Authenticity: Ensures the product looks realistic and true to its actual appearance.

Good Kids Tip: Apply subtle sharpening to enhance details. Use selective sharpening to bring out textures and small features without making the image look unnatural.

Bad Product Photography:

  • Overediting: Overediting or lack of editing can result in unnatural colors, excessive sharpness, or visible imperfections. Poor post-processing can detract from the product’s appeal and misrepresent its quality.

Good Kids Tip: Avoid overusing filters and effects. Stick to basic adjustments and ensure that any changes made to the image are in line with the product’s true appearance.

Our Communications Services focus on maintaining authenticity in your product visuals. We ensure that each image is edited to perfection, enhancing its appeal while keeping it true to life.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Avoiding common pitfalls can significantly improve the quality of your product photography.

Poor Lighting

Proper lighting is essential for showcasing your product’s true colors and details. Poor lighting is a major factor that can ruin product photos. At Good Kids, we use sophisticated lighting setups to ensure your product photos are bright, clear, and appealing. Check out our Marketing Services to see how we can help you create visually stunning product images that capture customer attention.

Inadequate Backgrounds

A busy or inappropriate background can distract from the product. A clean, neutral background is ideal for making the product stand out. Good Kids can help you design the perfect backdrop for your product photos. Our Creative Services include expert background design to ensure your products are presented in the best possible light.

Lack of Multiple Angles

Customers want to see products from multiple angles to get a complete view. Providing only one or two images can leave them uncertain about what they’re buying. Bigcommerce reports that the top 25 fashion and apparel brands feature an average of 8 photos per product. Good Kids can help you capture your products from every angle, providing a comprehensive view that enhances customer confidence and drives sales. Check out our work with Proudest Pony for an example of effective multi-angle product photography.

Consistency and Quality

Good Product Photography:

  • Consistent Quality: Ensures all product images are consistent in quality, style, and lighting, creating a cohesive and professional look across your e-commerce site.

  • High Resolution: Uses high-resolution images that allow customers to zoom in and see the product clearly.

Good Kids Tip: Create a style guide for your product photography. Define specific guidelines for lighting, angles, and backgrounds to ensure uniformity across all images.

Bad Product Photography:

  • Inconsistent Quality: Inconsistent image quality and style can confuse customers and reduce trust in the brand.

  • Low Resolution: Low-resolution images can appear blurry and unprofessional, detracting from the product’s appeal.

Good Kids Tip: Invest in high-quality equipment and software. Use a professional camera and editing software to maintain high resolution and consistent quality.

Our Creative Services team ensures consistency and high quality in all your product images. We use high-resolution cameras and professional editing software to produce images that are clear, sharp, and visually appealing, helping to build trust and drive sales.


Effective Techniques in Good Product Photography

Multiple Angles and Views

Good Product Photography:

  • Variety of Angles: Captures the product from various angles, including front, back, side, and close-ups. This comprehensive view helps customers make informed purchasing decisions.

  • Detail Shots: Includes close-ups of important features and textures to highlight the product’s quality.

Good Kids Tip: Plan a shot list for different angles and details. This ensures that you capture every important aspect of the product, providing a complete visual representation.

Bad Product Photography:

  • Limited Views: Provides only one or two images, leaving customers unsure about the product's full appearance and details.

Good Kids Tip: Use a turntable for 360-degree shots. This tool helps in capturing multiple angles in one continuous shoot, providing a complete view of the product.

At Good Kids, we understand the importance of showcasing your product from multiple angles. Our Marketing Services ensure that each product is captured in a way that highlights all its features, providing customers with a complete and accurate representation.

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Product Lighting Techniques

Good Product Photography:

  • Balanced Lighting: Employs professional lighting techniques to highlight the product without casting harsh shadows or creating overexposed areas.

  • Natural and Artificial Light: Uses a combination of natural and artificial light sources to achieve the best results, depending on the product and setting.

Good Kids Tip: Experiment with light positioning. Adjust the angles and distance of light sources to find the most flattering setup for each product.

Bad Product Photography:

  • Harsh or Insufficient Lighting: Results in shadows, glare, and a lack of detail, making the product appear less attractive.

Good Kids Tip: Use diffusers and reflectors to soften and direct light. These tools help manage shadows and enhance the overall lighting setup.

Good Kids excels in creating the perfect lighting setup for your products. Our expertise in Automotive Advertising showcases our ability to present vehicles in their best light, highlighting their features and enhancing their appeal.


How Good Kids Can Help

Good Kids offers comprehensive services to ensure your product photography is top-notch.

Creative Production

Our team excels in developing high-quality visuals and videos to promote your products effectively. With our expertise, your product images will stand out and attract more customers. Learn more about our work in the VON D Shoes case study, where we used our creative production skills to highlight the unique features of the brand's footwear, resulting in increased customer engagement and sales.

Advertising & Paid Media

We execute targeted advertising campaigns to reach your desired audience, leveraging stunning product photography to boost engagement and sales. Our Paid Media services ensure your products are seen by the right people at the right time, driving higher conversion rates and maximizing your ROI.

Brand Strategy & Digital Marketing

We create cohesive marketing strategies that enhance your brand’s visual appeal, ensuring consistency and quality across all platforms. Our Marketing Services help you build a strong brand presence with high-quality visuals that resonate with your target audience.

Effective product photography is essential for attracting customers and driving sales. By understanding the differences between good and bad product photography, avoiding common mistakes, and utilizing Good Kids’ expertise, you can create stunning visuals that elevate your brand. Ready to transform your product photography? Contact Good Kids today and let us help you shine in the competitive e-commerce landscape.

Contact us today and take the shortcut to exceptional product photography.


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